Discover 10 fun and creative tech-free family activities that will strengthen your relationships and help you create lasting memories in 2024.

Are Tech-Free Family Activities Really That Important?

In a world where technology is an integral part of our daily lives, it’s more important than ever to unplug and reconnect with those we love. Did you know that the average American family spends less than 40 minutes of quality time together each day? Yikes! This article will explore 10 reasonable and fun tech-free family activities that will help you create fun memories and strengthen your family relationships. Keep reading to see what you and your family might enjoy together!

1. Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor adventures made the #1 spot on my list because it is my go-to favorite for tech-free family activities! I am a firm believer that everyone feels better when they get outside for a bit to enjoy nature. See some of my family’s favorites below!

Hiking (One of my favorite tech-free family activities )

  • Plan a family hiking trip to a nearby trail or park
    • Don’t overthink this one! It doesn’t have to a backpacking experience where you pack up all your gear and head out to the trails for a few days. Choose a short trail nearby and just take a hike for a couple of hours. Being in nature does wonders for the soul!
Abigail and her husband hiking to a waterfall as a tech-free family activities option


  • Organize a backyard camping night complete with stargazing OR plan a camping trip over a weekend.
    • As cooler fall weather approaches, my family is getting more and more excited about escaping to the woods for a couple of days and unplugging together in nature! Camping is one of our absolute favorite ways to unplug! If you aren’t really the woodsy outdoors type, thats okay! Think about renting a cabin or glamping! You don’t have to “rough it” to unplug. Do what feels right and relaxing for your family!
    • My husband and I had the best time “camping” in this “tent” when I was 8 months pregnant and told him I wanted to be in nature for a weekend, BUT I needed a real mattress.
My husband and I "glamping" in a dome tent for outdoor tech-free family activities

Nature Walk (Another one of my favorite tech-free family activities )

  • Take a nature walk or do a nature scavenger hunt in your local area
    • No, this doesn’t have to be on a hiking trail! It is a great activity that can be adapted to anywhere outside, even in neighborhoods. I have always loved using “nature walks” as a way spend time outside with a little more engagement than just the usual walk around the block! Have a list (a mental list works too) of things you are going to specifically look for outside such as an acorn, a yellow leaf, a pine cone, etc. You can change up the list each time you do this to keep it interesting!

Bike Ride

  • Go for a family bike ride downtown, on a trail, or just around the neighborhood
    • Even if your family does not have bikes, many cities offer cheap bike rentals for the day, or even a few days. This is a great way to get active, enjoy the outdoors, and explore your city from a different viewpoint!


  • Eat a picnic at a park or open grassy space
    • I don’t care how old you are, picnics are fun! You can adjust the food based on the ages attending, but get your family and even friends involved in this one! Have a cookout, take a charcuterie spread, or simply pack some sandwiches, drinks, and a blanket and enjoy! Picnics are a great way to make us slow down and admire the outdoors a bit while we enjoy some yummy food!

2. Game Night

Game nights are fun tech-free family activities because they can be easily incorporated into a weekly routine, therefore giving children something consistent to look forward to! It’s like Friday night pizza and movies, but without the screens!

Board Game Night

  • Host family game night with a variety of board games
    • This can be with friends or just family members! By picking a specific night of the week, you can give your family something to look forward to! Let your kiddos help in choosing the game/s you will be playing to boost their buy-in. Throw in some fun game-night snacks and drinks to up the appeal!

Childhood favorites

  • Play classic games from your childhood
    • These can be board games or more active games like hide and seek and tag. Adults may not have as much energy as kids do, BUT I have a feeling we can hang in there for a game of tag for at least a few minutes, and I have an even bigger feeling that the kids will LOVE this!

DIY family games

  • Create your own family-themed board game together
    • Get creative and make up a board game with your own board, pieces, and rules! Who knows, you might just come up with a new favorite!

Neighborhood Game Night

  • Organize a neighborhood game night
    • Get your friends together for this one! It can be outside or inside, board games or active games. You can even just set out yard games or get a game of neighborhood soccer or whiffle ball together! A little friendly competition with your family vs. another neighborhood family can get you all cheering for each other!

3. Cooking

Practicing your culinary skills can be a fun and tasty option for tech-free family activities! This one is sure to be a crowd pleaser, because let’s be real.. who doesn’t love an activity that results in yummy food?!

Family Meal Planning/Prep

  • Plan/prepare meals together
    • Involving your family in the cooking process is a great way to excite them about the menu while spending time with them. Even if you have toddlers running around and hanging onto your legs, you can get them involved too! There is a task for everyone from washing produce to chopping and cooking!


  • Have a themed cooking competition
    • Who doesn’t love a little competition? A great way to get the family involved is to have everyone create their own food (of course, within boundaries set by the parents) and see who comes up with the best option!
      • Some ideas may include build your own pizza nights, build your own taco/quesadilla, a bake off challenge for dessert, etc!

International Cuisines

  • Explore international cuisines and learn about different cultures
    • My family loves this because I am from the U.S. and my husband is from Ecuador. So, we already have a mix of cuisines scattered throughout our menu, but we love introducing our son to other cultures as well. This can help combat picky eaters as well by making it a fun family tradition.
    • This is also a great way to experience some of the fun of traveling without forking over your savings to make a big trip happen! I mean, let’s be real… a lot of us travel for the food and drinks right? Or is that just me?
    • Check out this post for some yummy international cuisine ideas!

4. Arts and Crafts

You don’t have to be the next Picasso to get crafty with your family, although if you are, that is great too! Art is a wonderful option for tech-free family activities! Keep reading for more detailed ideas on how to incorporate more art into your family.

Classic Art Night

  • Set up a family art area
    • If you have the space in your home, set a designated art area. Otherwise, just keep some simple art supplies on hand that you can pull out for a fun craft night!
    • Consider doing a “sip and paint” or “themed paint” night. Of course, you won’t be giving your children wine, but the parents can enjoy a glass while the kiddos enjoy a treat drink like their favorite soda. Consider picking a theme or certain view and everyone paints or draws their own version.

Family Scrapbook

  • Create a family photo album (or everyone can work on a personal one at the same time)
    • Photo albums do not have to be a thing from the past! My husband and I are planning to do one of our child soon because we love the idea of having physical photos to look through, not just scrolling on a screen. Also, we all know technology has its downfalls and your beloved pictures can be lost all too quickly. So having printed copies is a great way to make sure you don’t lose those precious memories!

DIY Projects

  • DIY projects like building a birdhouse, making bracelets, or making candles
    • My husband and I tried our hand at making homemade soy wax candles for Christmas gifts this past year, and they were a hit!
      • Materials: Glass jars, wicks, essential oils, and soy wax shavings.
      • Melt the wax, mix desired amount of essential oils, and pour into glass container with wick. Let set, and Voila!

5. Outdoor Sports and Games

Playing sports and games outside is another one of my favorite options for tech-free family activities! This is such a great way to exercise those gross motor skills, get some FUN exercise, and enjoy the fresh air. See below for more specific ideas!

Family Sports

  • Pick a sport and play it in your yard or at a park
Abigail and friends playing spikeball on the beach as an example of tech-free family activities
  • Although you may not be pros at a sport, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun trying! Try your hand at soccer, baseball, frisbee, volleyball, spikeball, pickleball, etc. You never know! Your family just might find a new favorite sport to do together!
  • Challenge your family to learn a new sport every once in a while to keep in interesting!

Family-friendly exercise

  • Start a family tradition of weekend bike rides, walks or jogs
    • No, you don’t have to go crazy with this one. I’m not suggesting an intense workout, unless that is truly what your family enjoys. I am simple suggesting getting outdoors and choosing a healthy activity to enjoy together! Moving our bodies in nature is a great way to clear the mind and encourage connection.

DIY Obstacle Course

  • Create an obstacle course or race in your backyard or local park
    • Before you get concerned that you might need to purchase a bunch of things for an obstacle course, think again! You can use things you find around your home to create obstacles for a family friendly race.
    • Consider using old tires, pieces of wood, toys, rope, etc, that can be used to jump over, step into, crawl under, etc. With this, the possibilities are endless. And who doesn’t love a little family competition?

6. Reading and Literacy Building

Don’t overlook reading as a great option for tech-free family activities! Reading and literacy can be way more fun than it sounds, and you might even be surprised how easy it is to get your kids involved! Check out some ideas below.

Book Club

  • Start a family book club
    • This idea can be adapted based on the ages of your children. Simply choose a book that you believe is challenging yet appropriate for their level of comprehension. Consider reading the book together, setting about 30 minutes aside on certain days to sit down and read, OR have each member of the family read the same book separately.
      • Either way, use the book to start discussions, asking questions that are applicable to the book and the real world.

Create a Storybook

  • Create and illustrate your own family storybook
    • This can be a great way to blend art and literacy, making reading more fun for the kiddos! Use real events and pictures from your family. Consider including vacations, day-to-day activities, etc. Also, consider “planning” future events that the family would enjoy doing together and adding that to the book.

Attend Local Library Events

  • Visit your local library for storytimes and reading events
    • Local libraries are a great resource, especially for families! My husband has been using our local library more recently since our son has entered into the more interactive stages. Many local libraries have family events as well as toddler time, readings, etc. Also, many libraries have connections with other places in the city and may offer specials, so check with them to see what you might be missing out on!

7. Volunteering and Community Service

Getting involved in your community by volunteering is a GREAT way to spend time together as a family while making a positive impact. Set aside one day a month or even every couple of months to dedicate to volunteering. Continue reading for some specific ideas on how your family could get involved!

Community Clean-Up

  • Participate in local community clean-up events
    • Getting your family to participate in a local clean up is not only a great way to help out the community, but it is also a great time/way to teach your kiddos about their own responsibility of keeping this planet clean!

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer at a food bank, animal shelter, or children’s home as a family
    • This is a great option if you are looking for something that will last a couple of hours, but not all day! Usually, you can choose a time slot of an hour or so to dedicate to volunteering at one of these places! Check out your local food banks or animal shelters to see when you could get involved there!

Bake Sale/Collecting Items for Charity

  • Organize a neighborhood charity drive or bake sale
    • Charity drives are great for collecting seasonal clothes, especially as cold winter months approach and people will be in need of warm shoes, jackets, etc.
    • Consider hosting a bake sale and having the proceeds go toward an organization of your choice!

Support Local

  • Adopt a local cause and work together to support it
    • Look into local organizations near you to see how you and your family could get involved whether it be volunteering for a couple hours once a month, raising awareness, etc.

8. Music and Dance

Another idea is using music and dance as a way of connecting as a family. You may be like me, and you don’t have a musical bone in your body. That is okay! Don’t let that stop you from incorporating music and dance into your family’s options for tech-free family activities! I’ve listed some simple ideas below that even the most musically challenged family’s can enjoy!

Dance party

  • Have a family dance party with favorite songs from different eras
    • I’m a 90’s baby, but I sure do love my 80’s music, along with other decades too. Introducing your children to music from the past, particularly what you listened to growing up, is a great way to share personal experiences, culture, etc. with your kiddos! And it may just foster a love of good oldie’s tunes with them. (Because if I am being honest, the oldies are the goodies)

Learn a Specific Dance

  • Learn a new dance together, like salsa or line dancing
    • Sure, you can take a dance class if you want! But you don’t have to invest the money in that. There is an abundance of tutorial videos your family can watch as you practice and learn! (This one is technically cheating on the tech-free family activities, but I think it is worth it since the focus isn’t on the video).

Concerts and Music Festivals

  • Attend local concerts or music festivals together
    • Another one of my favorites! Who doesn’t love a good concert? My city offers free outdoor concerts in the summer downtown, so this is a great way to spend time together and experience new music! Even if your area doesn’t offer free concerts, consider deciding as a family on a concert that would be worth purchasing tickets for!

9. Puzzles and Brain Teasers

I know, this one might make some people cringe a little. But these tech-free family activities may be something for those rainy days or long car rides!


  • Work on jigsaw puzzles together
    • I would suggest starting with a smaller 15-300 piece puzzle before launching into a daunting 1000+ piece puzzle that will never get finished. Puzzles are great brain breaks and are perfect rainy day activities!

Riddles and Brain Teasers

  • Solve riddles and brain teasers during car rides
    • Have you ever wished you thought to bring more games on a long road trip? Wish no more! Riddles and brain teasers are fun for any age and don’t require materials! To make this truly fit into the tech-free family activities category, print some off before a road trip and use a few here and there to keep it interesting!

Escape Room

  • Create a family escape room experience at home
    • This one might take a little extra planning on the parents part, but it can make for a fun night your kids won’t forget! Come up with a few physical or mental obstacles that your kids have to work through before progressing to another room or challenge. Set a timer for the time to determine is best and see if your family members can beat the clock! This activity forces everyone to work together!
    • If you don’t feel like setting this up yourself, you can always opt for

10. Exploring Local Attractions

Finally, taking advantage of local attractions is a wonderful way to incorporate tech-free family activities into your routine. Not only does this get you out of the house, but it also encourages you to consider the beauty in your own area rather than seeking thrills elsewhere!

Museums, Zoos, Aquariums, etc.

  • Visit nearby museums, zoos, or historical sites
    • It’s easy to live somewhere and not take advantage of the attractions nearest you! Plan a fun day visiting a local museum, zoo, aquarium, etc.


  • Attend local festivals and events as a family
    • This is a great seasonal option! Many areas host free events for fall, spring, etc. so take advantage of it!

Parks and Playgrounds

  • Explore new parks, playgrounds, or nature reserves in your area
    • Free is always fun in my opinion! When you need an easy activity, try checking out some local parks, playgrounds, etc. This is a good go-to when you need out of the house and a simple walk just isn’t going to cut it this time.

Wrapping Up the Tech-Free Family Activities

So, there you have it! By incorporating even just one or two of these tech-free family activities into your routine, you’ll begin working towards healthier and stronger family relationships. Remember, it’s not always about how much time you spend together, but the quality of that time. So.. put away the devices, embrace some engaging activities, and enjoy the time spent together. Let’s end 2024 with more meaningful family connections. Which activity will you try first? Drop some of your family’s favorite activities in the comments!