Try these 8 creative ways to encourage children to drink more water and actually enjoy it!

Why Is Proper Hydration Important for Kids?

Did you know that the majority of children in the United States don’t drink enough water? As parents, we’re always looking for ways to keep our little ones healthy and happy, and this includes staying well hydrated! But let’s face it – for many kids, water isn’t the most exciting option on the table. Don’t worry, though! Here you’ll find some fun ideas to make hydration more appealing for kids of all ages (and maybe even for yourself, too). Keep reading to see which ideas you want to try out in your own home!

The role of water in our bodies

Staying well hydrated may actually have more of an effect on you than you realized! Heres why:

  • Helps regulate body temperature
  • Aids in digestion
  • Gets rid of toxins in the body

These are all functions we need to ensure continue to work properly, and we can do that simply by drinking enough H2O.

Effects of dehydration

We all know that we should be hydrated, but do we actually realize the negative effects dehydration can have on our bodies? Take a look at some of the reasons below.

  • Headaches, fatigue and irritability
    • These symptoms are very common! As a teacher, whenever I heard my kids complaining of a headache, my first question was always, “Have you had enough water today?” Not surprisingly, their answer was usually no.. I still use this question with my husband when he complains of a headache too. Sometimes the fix it just a few glasses of fresh H2O!
  • Affects cognitive function (meaning dehydration can directly affect your child’s academic performance! Yikes!)
  • Less energy and endurance
  • In more severe cases, it can even lead to UTI’s, kidney problems, and even seizures.

None of the symptoms listed above are pleasant. So, if you realize you are feeling a little off, start by asking yourself the simple question of, “Have you had enough water today?” If the answer is no, you already know where to begin!

Recommended daily water intake

Yes, there is such a thing as drinking too much, but that is typically the opposite problem of what we see in children. So you might be wondering how much is right for your child?

  • Toddlers (1-3) : About 32 oz of fluid per day. Many families give a lot of juice to their children in the toddler stage. Yes, juice is okay in moderation, but it is typically loaded with sugar. So don’t forget plain water (and try to make this the norm)!
  • Children (4-8) : About 40 oz of fluid per day.
  • Older Children (9-13) : About 56-64 oz of fluid per day.
  • Teenagers (14-18) : about 64-88 oz of fluid per day.

As children get older, they are typically getting more and more active, so please consider their current activity level and the temperature outside. The hotter it is, the more they are sweating and the more fluid they need. Also, boys may need more than girls. The above recommendations are for total fluid intake, which includes water consumed through foods as well such as hydrating fruits and veggies.

Make Water Visually Appealing

Choose a fun water bottle

  • Use colorful, kid-friendly water bottles
  • Let your child decorate their bottle with stickers or glitter glue
  • Monogram their bottle

Make it colorful

Consider adding some of the following to your H2O:

  • Natural food coloring
  • Colorful slices of lime, orange or lemon
  • Green mint leaves
  • Variety of berries

Cool it down

  • Serve water in fun-shaped popsicles
  • Make icee’s with natural flavoring
  • Serve it with pellet ice – who doesn’t love that? OR even just let your kiddos crunch on some pellet ice.

Infuse Water with Natural Flavors

Consider plopping some of the following into your water to give it some flavor and fun!

  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Lemon (Squeeze some fresh juice AND place some fresh slices in the water)
  • Lime (Squeeze some fresh juice AND place some fresh slices in the water)
  • Orange (Squeeze some fresh juice AND place some fresh slices in the water)

Infusing your child’s water naturally not only makes drinking it more fun, but it is also a great way to sneak in some extra vitamins! It’s a win-win!

Turn it into a Game

Creating a friendly challenge between family members can be a great way to get everyone to drink more water! Adults need help in the hydration department too! Check out some of the following ideas and see what might work for your family!

  • Create a drinking challenge with rewards
    • This can be just for the kids or the family as a whole! Every time a person meets their daily intake goal, they get a point. The points are counted at the end of the week and if the predetermined goal number was hit, they get a reward. This might be something like a family movie night or dinner out! This can be easily adjusted based on the number of people participating – just change the predetermined “goal” number.
  • Use apps
    • Yep… there’s an app for that! There are apps that encourage children to drink more water by causing their virtual pets to grow and thrive as your child logs their water intake. Try out “Water Llama” for younger children.
    • There are also apps for older children and teens that serve more as a progress tracker, but also offer challenges. Look into Hydro Coach or WaterMinder for your older kiddos!
  • Use a sticker chart
    • This is pretty self explanatory, but you can use a simple sticker chart to track your child’s water intake. Let them place a sticker for each goal met. You can offer rewards weekly or monthly to make it more exciting!
    • This option would be great paired with the water drinking challenge!

Drinking water doesn’t have to be a dreaded thing! Get creative and make it more fun for everyone!

Lead by Example – Drink More Yourself!

In the same way that our children are observing what we eat, they are also observing what we drink and taking note! So make sure you are setting a positive example by drinking enough water yourself! Try some of the ideas below if this is an area you struggle with too.

  • Make water the drink of choice for everyone at lunch and dinner
    • My family sets a full glass carafe on the table to encourage refills while are sitting there. The carafe is fun to pour, so that alone encourages us to drink more! Want more ideas and benefits for family dinners? Check out this blog post!
Glass water carafe on dinner table
  • Plan family water-drinking games or competitions (see above for ideas)
  • Offer water-dense snacks such as watermelon or cucumber.
  • Carry your water bottle around with you everywhere to remind yourself to drink as well as your child.
  • Limit your specialty drinks to when you are by yourself. Think of it as your treat at work or after kids go to bed!

Incorporate Water-Rich Foods into Their Diet

Fruits and vegetables with high water content

Many fruits and veggies are actually packed with water AND they offer a boost of vitamins and other nutrients! So take advantage of that and let them help you reach your hydration goals! Check out my top list of hydrating foods!


  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Peaches
  • Oranges


  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Celery
  • Tomatoes
  • Cauliflower
  • Coconut water

So, it might not be super appealing for kids to reach their water goal JUST with drinking water. But if they knew they could EAT it too, they might just get a little more excited. Try having a few of the options mentioned above on hand throughout the week and encourage your child to choose a couple a day to help out with hydration!

Use Technology to Make Hydration Fun

As mentioned above, there are now apps that help kids, teens, and adults track hydration and encourage them to drink more. Pair these apps with some other fun tech gadgets to really get your children bought into the hydration game.

  • Smart bottles that track intake and remind kids to drink
    • Check out the HidrateSpark bottle that tracks progress and lights up when you should take a sip. This a great option for any age with it’s sleek stainless steel design.
hidratespark water bottle
  • Bottles that double as entertainment – There are now bottles that come with speakers built in!
  • Smart bottle attachments that remind you to drink like Ulla

Technology continues surprising us with new things, but reminding us to hydrate is something I can definitely get behind! Find what works best for you!.

Educate Kids About the Importance of Water

Age-appropriate ways to explain hydration

  • Young children – keep it simple and try comparing their bodies to plants that need water to grow and be strong.
  • Older children – Start including more details about how water functions and helps their body. Relate it to sports or activities they enjoy like keeping them cool when they are playing on the playground and giving them the energy to run around.
  • Teenagers – Shoot it to them straight. Talk to your teens about how proper hydration helps keep their bodies strong, their minds clear, and even their skin clearer! (they might really start listening in after the latter is shared).

Experiments to show effects on the body

  • Plants – Use two of the same plants and place them next to each other. Water one regularly while skipping multiple watering sessions for the other. The one that doesn’t receive enough hydration will start to wither and become weak, thus showing what can happen if human bodies are dehydrated as well.
  • Sponges – Take two sponges. Leave one dry and fill the other with water. Show your child how the wet sponge is more useful and more flexible/harder to break. Much like humans, we aren’t at our greatest capacity if we aren’t well hydrated.
  • Urine Color – This one might sound gross, but it is actually really important and a great way for your child of any age to recognize when they need to drink more. Still adjust the presentation of the information based on your child’s age, but help them understand that the darker the urine, the more dehydrated they are and the more water they need to drink.

Remember, keep it simple, but don’t underestimate your child’s ability to understand why hydration is so important! Teaching them from a young age helps to make them more aware of their body and its needs.

Offer Alternatives to Plain Water

If you are still struggling to get enough H2O in throughout each day, there are still some healthy alternatives to try out!

  • Sparkling water with or without flavor (But yes, WITHOUT sugar). This is my favorite go-to when I am really struggling to hydrate enough and would really rather have something more flavorful and fun.
  • Smoothies – you can make these with water (or almond milk), and just add your favorite fruits and protein powder and veggies!
  • Coconut water – For me, this is an acquired taste. But, it packs an electrolyte punch! So it really is a great option.
  • Herbal teas

Spice up your hydration this week and see if it helps you up your intake like it does me!

Wrapping Up

Encouraging our kids to drink more water doesn’t have to be a chore – it can actually be fun! By implementing these creative strategies, you’ll not only boost your children’s hydration levels but also instill healthy habits that will last a lifetime. It is never too early to start instilling healthy hydration habits into our children (and improving our own)!

Do you have any fun ways to keep your kiddos hydrated? Please share with us in the comments!