Discover 10 EASY meal prep ideas for toddlers in 2024. Learn how to save time, reduce stress, and ensure your little one gets nutritious meals all week long!

Why Meal Prep for Toddlers?

Are you a busy parent struggling to provide nutritious meals for your toddler? You’re not alone! It is hard enough to make sure all of the adults and children in your household get fed before running out the door to sports games, music rehearsals, school, etc! Add in having to make sure they are getting nutrient packed food throughout the day…that makes most of us just want to throw the towel in!

This is where meal prep comes in handy and can be a game-changer, saving you time and stress while ensuring your little one gets the nutrition they need. In this post, we’ll explore easy and effective meal prep strategies for toddler meals that will help you make the most of your weekly routine. But first, let’s see why meal prepping for toddlers can be so important!

  1. Saves time during busy weekdays
  2. Ensures balanced nutrition throughout the week
  3. Reduces stress around mealtimes and feeling the need to throw something together last minute
  4. Minimizes reliance on processed or fast foods (which we know are just so easy and quick to grab… so a few times a week wont hurt, right? We wish!)
  5. Helps manage picky eating behaviors
  6. Helps introduce a variety of foods to your little ones

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Batch Cooking Strategies for Toddler Favorites

Dedicate a few hours on the weekend or really any night of the week you choose to prepare large batches of toddler-friendly meals. Consider options like:

  • One-pot meals that freeze well
  • Make-ahead breakfast options
  • Prep and freeze toddler-sized smoothie packs (These re-usable pouches are the BEST and so CHEAP! We use them pretty much every day and they are durable, dishwasher safe, and freezer safe. I highly recommend these to all!)
3 Simple Modern Brand Reusable Baby Food Pouches  for easy toddler meal prep
  • Bulk cooking staples (rice, pasta, beans, quinoa, etc.)

Pro tip: Portion these meals into individual containers and freeze for easy reheating during the week.

Prepare Ingredients in Advance

Wash, chop, and store fruits and vegetables in airtight containers. This simple step can save precious minutes during busy weekdays. Some ideas include:

  • Carrot sticks and cucumber slices for snacking
  • Diced onions and peppers for quick stir-fries
  • Mixed fruit for morning smoothies or to throw in for the kid’s lunches

Make-Ahead Breakfast Options

Start your toddler’s day right with nutritious, ready-to-eat breakfast options:

  • Overnight oats with fruit and nuts
  • Mini egg muffins packed with veggies
  • Homemade granola bars (Check out this EASY 5 ingredient copycat Lara Bar recipe that both kids and adults will love)
Easy toddler meal prep - homemade Lara bars
  • Check out this blog post for 10 Quick and Nutritious Breakfast Ideas for Busy Toddlers

Freezer-Friendly Meals

Utilize your freezer for maximum meal prep efficiency:

  • Freeze individual portions in silicone molds
  • Prepare and freeze pancakes or waffles for quick breakfasts OR prepare the mix beforehand and have it ready to quickly pour onto the griddle for quick but fresh pancakes/waffles!
  • Make extra smoothies and freeze in popsicle molds or pouches for healthy treats

Create a Toddler Snack Station

Designate a section of your fridge or pantry for pre-portioned, toddler-friendly snacks:

  • Cut fruits and vegetables
  • Cheese cubes and whole grain crackers
  • Homemade trail mix with cereals and dried fruits
  • Apples or celery and peanut butter
  • Hummus and carrot sticks or cucumber slices

Cook Once, Eat Twice

Make your cooking efforts go further by planning for leftovers:

  • You can offer the same meal a few days later so that your child gets some variety in between meals
  • You can “repurpose” your leftovers and use them as an ingredient in a new meal (for example, use leftover veggies to make egg muffins for a quick breakfast.

Essential Tools for Efficient Toddler Meal Prep

  • Choose various sizes of storage containers for different portions and meals
  • Invest in microwave and dishwasher-safe options (My family prefers durable glass containers… see below)
  • Also, consider the glass containers for easy reheating and visibility (My family uses these and we love them! They are super durable – I just toss them in the diaper bag and don’t have to worry about them busting or leaking). They are dishwasher safe or easily hand washed. For 8 affordable and sustainable food prep options, take a look at this blog post!

Plan Your Weekly Menu

Take time once a week to plan your toddler’s meals:

  • Involve your toddler in the planning process
  • Ensure a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables, and fruits
  • Create a shopping list based on your meal plan so that you do not buy a bunch of unnecessary ingredients.

Utilize The Slow Cooker and Instant Pot

Let these machines work for YOU.

  • Prepare ingredients the night before
  • Set the slow cooker in the morning for a ready-made dinner
  • Use the Instant Pot for quick, nutritious meals in minutes (we use our Instant Pot to make Lentils, Black Beans, Red Kidney Beans and more!)

Get Your Toddler Involved

Turn meal prep into a fun activity:

  • Let them wash vegetables or stir batters
  • Encourage them to choose fruits and veggies for snacks – have veggies and fruits readily available and sitting at eye level so they are more inclined to grab this rather than a less healthy option.
  • Make it a learning experience about different foods


Implementing these meal prep strategies can transform your approach to toddler meals. Not only will you save time and reduce stress, but you’ll also ensure your little one receives nutritious, home-cooked meals throughout the week. Remember, start small and gradually incorporate more strategies as you become comfortable with the process.

Do you have any favorite meal prep tips for toddler meals? Share them in the comments below!